Advancing an ecosystem of independent schools

We seek to make Wildflower schools an option for children and families everywhere. As we grow, we benefit from an expanding community of learners and professionals working together, and the economic efficiencies that can arise from sharing resources. At the same time, we protect the autonomy of every teacher-leader and we resist the expansion of central-administration and authority. Each school sees itself as a node in a network, with substantial freedom in school-level decision-making and access to the resources of the network when those resources are useful and compelling to the school. Reciprocally, each school also sees itself as accountable to its neighbor schools and the broader Wildflower community, and responsible for supporting existing and future Wildflower schools. Finally, wherever possible, we make our materials, software and learnings available publicly, so that all schools can benefit from them, whether or not they are affiliated with Wildflower.